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Key Takeaways from Uganda’s 2024-25 National Budget

In this brief, we break down some of the key facts and takeaways from the recently approved 2024-25 national budget for Uganda. One major fact stands out: debt repayments will...

CSO Position Paper on the Education Sub Programme in response to the FY 2024/25 Education Ministerial Policy Statement

This CSO position paper in response to the Ministerial Policy Statements FY2024/25 on the Education Sector was developed through a consultative process involving various civil society organizations including Uganda Society...

Lay a Strong Foundation for All Children: Fees as a Discriminatory Barrier to Pre-Primary Education in Uganda

This report is the result of a two-year collaboration between Human Rights Watch and ISER, and  is based on interviews with 102 education officials, teachers, parents, and children in Kampala,...

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Where Did COVID 19 Money Go?: International Finance Institutions’ Funding to Uganda

This report documents the different forms of financing that Uganda received from IFIs to prevent, manage and control the COVID-19...

African Commission Cautions Uganda Over Privatisation In Education

In a series of recommendations published this week, the African Commission on Human And Peoples’ Rights (African Commission) expressed its deep...

Realising the right to social protection for olderpersons in Uganda

This is a photo essay a photographic representation of the journey to get older persons enrolled on the SAGE programme...

Uganda’s education system need not to be further crippled with internet taxes

This piece explains how COVID 19 has showed us that technology is not a luxury but a common good that...

A Handbook for Community Health Advocates

A simplified manual for Community Health Advocates (CHAs) on the right to health. It introduces the legal and policy framework...

A Looming Crisis? An analysis of the health sector budget performance for the financial year 2012/13 and allocations for 2013/14

In this brief, we highlight the fact that the health sector budget provision and performance does not reflect the commitment...

A Political Question? Reflecting on the Constitutional Court’s Ruling in the Maternal Mortality Case (CEHURD & Others V Attorney General of Uganda)

“Denying an individual or group the ability to make constitutional claims against the State with respect to nutrition, housing, health...

“Here, When You Are Poor, You Die”: Healthcare on Sigulu Islands

This report, focuses on Sigulu islands, an amalgamation of islands in Namayingo District, and finds widespread disparities in access to...