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Economic Justice & Social Protection

About the program

This program focuses on the areas of financing for public services, tax justice and progressive taxation; corporate taxation, sovereign debt and accountability for International Financial Institutions (IFFs). Other areas of focus are: Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), budget advocacy at district level, inclusive economic development and social assistance programs that support the most vulnerable. A sound social protection system is also considered to be critical to economic inclusion and promoting human dignity.

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Recent publications

Key Takeaways from Uganda’s 2024-25 National Budget

In this brief, we break down some of the key facts and takeaways from the recently approved 2024-25 national budget...

Analysis of Uganda’s 2024 Income Tax Bill

In this brief, we analyze the 2024 income tax changes tabled before Parliament by the Ministry of Finance to determine...

Harness Natural Resources to Finance Public Services in Africa

This policy brief draws upon experiences from countries that have used their natural resources to advance public services and extrapolates...