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Right to Health

About the program

The Right to Health Program promotes the right to the highest attainable standard of the physical and mental health as stipulated in domestic, regional and international human rights instruments. Projects under the right to health contribute to advancing the right to health in Uganda by catalyzing citizen participation in health rights advocacy and promoting accountability in the health sector. ISER ensures a deliberate and systematic strategy to get communities to participate in health rights advocacy, enable access to information, strengthening the capacity of grass root groups nationally to monitor and self advocate against health rights violations, continuous monitoring and documentation of violations for advocacy, including budget advocacy and legal empowerment for the realization of the right to health.

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Recent publications

The human rights impact of commercialisation of public services in East Africa

This study aims to analyse how commercialization of public services, specifically in the health and education sectors, has unfolded in...

No! We Do not Have that Drug Here!

This compilation brings together a diversity of voices from various communities across Uganda where the Initiative for Social and Economic...

Alternative report to The African Commission on Human And Peoples Rights on The State Of Public Services , Climate Change And Economic Social Rights In Uganda

Uganda is undergoing its 6th periodic review by the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) covering 2013-2022. ISER...