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Key Takeaways from Uganda’s 2024-25 National Budget

Key Takeaways from Uganda’s 2024-25 National Budget

Key Takeaways from Uganda’s 2024-25 National Budget

In this brief, we break down some of the key facts and takeaways from...

June 5, 2024
Analysis of Uganda's 2024 Income Tax Bill

Analysis of Uganda's 2024 Income Tax Bill

In this brief, we analyze the 2024 income tax changes tabled before Parliament by...

June 5, 2024
Harness Natural Resources to Finance Public Services in Africa

Harness Natural Resources to Finance Public Services in Africa

This policy brief draws upon experiences from countries that have used their natural resources...

May 30, 2024
Shaping Policy and Practice on Pregnant Girls and Adolescent Mothers' Continued Access to Learning in Uganda

Shaping Policy and Practice on Pregnant Girls and Adolescent Mothers' Continued Access to Learning in Uganda

This policy brief highlights and examines the existing legal, policy and institutional frameworks and...

May 20, 2024
Uganda’s failure to regulate school fees in primary and secondary schools

Uganda’s failure to regulate school fees in primary and secondary schools

Over the years, there has been a lot of public concerns regarding the cost...

April 10, 2024
No! We Do not Have that Drug Here!

No! We Do not Have that Drug Here!

This compilation brings together a diversity of voices from various communities across Uganda where...

April 5, 2024
Uganda’s Policy on Retention, Continuity and Reintegration of PGAMs

Uganda’s Policy on Retention, Continuity and Reintegration of PGAMs

Uganda is among the sub–Saharan countries grappling with high teenage pregnancy and adolescent births....

April 5, 2024
Cost of Education in Uganda (ESRA Brief Issue 15)

Cost of Education in Uganda (ESRA Brief Issue 15)

This policy brief offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges and opportunities within...

December 15, 2023
UN Member agree to a Framework Convention on International Tax Matters - Here is Why It Matters for Public Services in Africa

UN Member agree to a Framework Convention on International Tax Matters - Here is Why It Matters for Public Services in Africa

On November 22, 2023, UN member states approved the proposal calling for negotiation of...

November 24, 2023
A False Promise!: The Lubowa International Specialized Public Private Partnership (PPP) Hospital Will Not Deliver Universal Health in Uganda

A False Promise!: The Lubowa International Specialized Public Private Partnership (PPP) Hospital Will Not Deliver Universal Health in Uganda

In the heart of Uganda, the Lubowa International Specialized Public Private Partnership (PPP) Hospital...

September 28, 2023
Using Community Structures to Improve Public Social Service Delivery at the Local Government Level

Using Community Structures to Improve Public Social Service Delivery at the Local Government Level

This brief showcases some of the achievements by ISER’s Community Advocates program over the...

August 15, 2023
Leveraging Progressive Taxation to Fund Public Services

Leveraging Progressive Taxation to Fund Public Services

Public services within Uganda have remained considerably underfunded by government. A large part of...

October 12, 2022
Financing a Just and Inclusive Recovery (ESRA Brief Issue 14)

Financing a Just and Inclusive Recovery (ESRA Brief Issue 14)

The 14th issue of the Economic and Social Rights Advocacy (ESRA) Brief features highlights...

October 3, 2022

Economic Social Rights recommendations for Uganda from the 3rd Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

On January 27, 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR)...

August 30, 2022

Uganda's rising debt and public services: A human rights impact assessment

This policy brief assesses Uganda’s debt and its impact on public services from a...

August 18, 2022