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Key Takeaways from Uganda’s 2024-25 National Budget

In this brief, we break down some of the key facts and takeaways from the recently approved 2024-25 national budget for Uganda. One major fact stands out: debt repayments will...

CSO Position Paper on the Education Sub Programme in response to the FY 2024/25 Education Ministerial Policy Statement

This CSO position paper in response to the Ministerial Policy Statements FY2024/25 on the Education Sector was developed through a consultative process involving various civil society organizations including Uganda Society...

Lay a Strong Foundation for All Children: Fees as a Discriminatory Barrier to Pre-Primary Education in Uganda

This report is the result of a two-year collaboration between Human Rights Watch and ISER, and  is based on interviews with 102 education officials, teachers, parents, and children in Kampala,...

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The State Obligation to Respect, Protect and Fulfill Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Context of Business Activities

This brief provides an analysis on the State's obligation to respect, protect and fulfill economic, social and cultural rights in...

Cost of Education in Uganda (ESRA Brief Issue 15)

This policy brief offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges and opportunities within the Ugandan education system, reflecting the...

Implementation of the Gender and Equity Certification Requirement under the Public Finance and Management Act

In this edition of the Economic and Social Rights Advocacy (ESRA) Brief, the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) looks...

Our Future is Public: Why the IMF and World Bank Must Support Public Services

This publication argues that international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF are not doing enough to...

Report Summary – The human rights impact of commercialisation of public services in East Africa

A snapshot of the detailed study titled "The human rights impact of commercialisation of public services in East Africa"

The Africa We Want : Reclaim Public Services People’s Manifesto

The Africa We Want : Reclaim Public Services People's Manifesto is a vision of  Civil Society Organizations and individuals from across...

When Patient Becomes Prisoner: Detention in Health Facilities in Uganda

The detention of patients due to failure to pay hospital bills is increasingly prevalent. This report shares the experience of...

Getting children back to school: Emerging human rights issues from the nationwide reopening of schools in Uganda

The Government of Uganda closed schools for nearly 2 years in a bid to control the spread of the corona...

Alternative Report Submitted by the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights and the Global Initiative for Social and Economic Rights

Alternative Report Submitted by the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights and the Global Initiative for Social and Economic Rights,...